Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Hydro Mat, Hydro Mat, , large click and hold to zoom
Item #: 6I321414

Hydro Mat


Sale Price $14.99

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Product Details

Constructed from rubber and polyester, its antimicrobial coating and anti-slip rubberized backing provide hygiene, stability and water absorption. Use it on kitchen counters, under sinks, as a refrigerator or drawer liner, a heatproof mat, a non-slip pet food mat, under plants and more! Quick-drying, stain-resistant and easy to clean. Easily cut to fit any area. 19.5" long x 15.75" wide.

  • Soak up moisture easily
  • Three-layer design for drying, cushioning and stability
  • Rolls up for easy storage
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